by | | E Minor, Worship song in powerpoint
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by | | E Minor, Nepali Roman Praise & Worship Songs, Unknown
Download the song Nepali Lyrics Jhuma Ghuma Ufra ( Em, 4/4) ( Jhuma Ghuma Ufra Thali Bajau )2 Yeshu Timi Chaw Vane Jhuma Yeshu Timi Chaw Vane Ghuma Yeshu Timi Chaw Vane Ufra Yeshu Timi Chaw Vane Thali Bajauu…. Lyrics & Music:...
by | | E Minor, Nepali Praise & Worship Songs
Download the song झुम, घुम, उफ्र ताली बजाऊ (२) ( Em, 4/4) झुम, घुम, उफ्र ताली बजाऊ (२) येशूमा तिमी छौ भने झुम येशूमा तिमी छौ भने घुम येशूमा तिमी छौ भने उफ्र येशूमा तिमी छौ भने ताली बजाऊ Lyrics & Music:...