by | | F Major, G Major, Worship song in powerpoint
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by | | F Major, Nepali Roman Praise & Worship Songs, Unknown
Download the song Nepali Lyrics Na Ta Baley [1st Fret E = F major] (4/4 Fast Beat) ( Na Ta Baley, Na Shaktiey, Prabhu Vanchan Mero Aatmaley )2 ( Yo Pahad Hatijane Cha )3, Prabhu Vanchan Mero Aatmaley ( Na Ta Baley, Na Shaktiey, Prabhu Vanchan Mero Aatmaley )2 ( Yo...
by | | E Major, F Major, Nepali Praise & Worship Songs
Download the song न ता बलले न शक्तिले [1st Fret E = F major] (4/4 fast Beat ) न ता बलले न शक्तिले, प्रभु भन्छन्, मेरो आत्माले यो पहाड़ हटिजानेछ (३) प्रभु भन्छन् मेरो आत्माले । न ता बलले न शक्तिले, प्रभु भन्छन्, मेरो आत्माले (२) यो आँधी थामिनेछ (३) प्रभु भन्छन्...